

The AUO G156XTN01.2 is a 15.6-inch LCD panel designed for use in industrial applications. It has a resolution of 1366×768 pixels and a pixel density of 100 pixels per inch. The panel uses a-Si TFT-LCD technology with a vertical RGBW strip pixel format, which enhances brightness and color accuracy.



العلامة التجارية للوحة


نموذج اللوحة


مقاس اللوحه

15.6 بوصة

نوع اللوحة



1366 (RGB) × 768 ، WXGA ، 100 بكسل لكل بوصة

تنسيق البكسل

RGBW عمودي قطاع

منطقة نشطة

344.232 (عرض) × 193.536 (ارتفاع) ملم

حجم المخطط التفصيلي

363.8(W)×215.9(H)×9.57(D) mm

منطقة الحافة (مم)

347.06 (عرض) × 196.49 (ارتفاع) ملم


مادةطلاء صلب (3H)


400 شمعة / م² (نموذجي)

نسبة التباين

800: 1 (نموذجي) (TM)      

زاوية الرؤية

85/85/70/80 (Typ.)(CR≥10)

وقت الاستجابة

10 (Typ.) (Tr + Td) مللي ثانية

منظر جيد في


نظام العمل

TN ، عادة أبيض ، معبر

ألوان العرض

16.7 ميجا ، 62% NTSC


WLED ، 50K ساعة ، مع سائق LED

معدل التحديث

60 هرتز

شاشة اللمس

وزن اللوحة

860 جم (نموذجي)



واجهة الإشارة

eDP (1 Lane) ، eDP1.2 ، 30 سنًا ، موصل

محرك الجهد

3.3 فولت (نموذجي)


درجة حرارة التشغيل: -30 ~ 85 درجة مئوية ؛ درجة حرارة التخزين: -30 ~ 85 درجة مئوية


The AUO G156XTN01.2 is a 15.6-inch LCD panel designed for use in industrial applications. It has a resolution of 1366×768 pixels and a pixel density of 100 pixels per inch. The panel uses a-Si TFT-LCD technology with a vertical RGBW strip pixel format, which enhances brightness and color accuracy.


The active area of the panel measures 344.232 millimeters in width and 193.536 millimeters in height, while the outline size is 363.8 millimeters in width, 215.9 millimeters in height, and 9.57 millimeters in depth. The bezel area is 347.06 millimeters in width and 196.49 millimeters in height, which helps to make the panel more compact.


The panel has a matte surface with a hard coating that provides a 3H hardness rating, and a typical brightness of 400 cd/m². It has a contrast ratio of 800:1 (TM) and a viewing angle of 85 degrees in both horizontal and vertical directions. The panel has a response time of 10 milliseconds, making it suitable for fast-moving images.


The AUO G156XTN01.2 panel has a TN (twisted nematic) work mode with a normally white transmissive configuration. It can display 16.7 million colors, covering 62% of the NTSC color gamut, and has a refresh rate of 60Hz. There is no touch screen capability built into the panel.


The panel weighs 860 grams, making it relatively lightweight and easy to handle. It has a signal interface of eDP (1 Lane) with 30 pins and a drive voltage of 3.3V. The panel is designed to operate in a wide range of temperatures, with an operating temperature range of -30 to 85 degrees Celsius and a storage temperature range of -30 to 85 degrees Celsius. Overall, the AUO G156XTN01.2 is a reliable and high-quality panel that is well-suited for industrial applications where a robust display is required.

منتجات ذات صله

رسالة المجلس

ما هو 7 + 4؟

